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Korte cursussen in het buitenland

Daejong 2002

In Daejong, Zuid Korea, 2002

Korte cursussen van 4 tot 6 colleges buiten Nederland

Han (Belgie): nationale cursus derde cyclus
     Mass loss and stellar winds : 1986

Strassbourg (France): international postdoc school
     Radiation driven winds, 1992

Rio de Janeiro (Brazilie): nationale postdoc school
     Mass loss and stellar winds, 2000

Universiteit Roma III (Italie)
    Mass loss and stellar winds, 2000

Sejong University of Seoul (Korea)
     Mass loss and stelllar winds, 2002

Universiteit van Florence (Italie)
     Mass loss and stellar evolution, 2003

Santiago (Chili): ESO cursus
     Stellar winds, evolution and rotation, 2008


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